
Volunteer With Us!

Thanks for your interest in volunteering for our Selah Conference Please take the time to read through these questions, which will help guide you in your decision to serve and fill you in on what is expected of you.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. IF I VOLUNTEER FOR THE CONFERENCE DO I GET IN FOR FREE?”]
A. If you sign up to volunteer, you’ll receive a promo code that gives you 50% off you individual registration. You may attend the sessions you are not volunteering for. If you use this 50% off registration, it is mandatory you show up for you volunteer shift.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. HOW OLD DO I NEED TO BE TO VOLUNTEER?”]
A. You must be at least 18 years old to volunteer for this conference.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. CAN I VOLUNTEER FOR MORE THAN ONE TIME SLOT?”]
A. Yes.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. WILL I NEED TO BRING FOOD OR WILL FOOD BE PROVIDED?”]
A. We will have water but please eat before your shift begins or bring snacks. Please be prepared to take care of your own meals during you non-volunteer time.

A. Please email volunteer@selahworshipconference.com stating your name and what shift you were scheduled to work. It is your responsibility to find a replacement for your shift. If you have the 50% off promo code for registration, you’ll have to pay the remaining balance.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. WHAT DO I NEED TO WEAR?”]
A. Wear comfortable shoes, as you’ll do quite a bit of standing. Also, wear all black.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. HOW EARLY DO I NEED TO SHOW UP BEFORE MY SHIFT?”]
A. Please show up 15 minutes before you shift to sign in, be trained, get your t-shirt and be prepped with any necessary information.

[toggle heading=”h5″ title=”Q. IS THERE CHILDCARE PROVIDED FOR ME IF I SIGN-UP?”]
A. No. Please be sure you have adequate childcare before signing up as you will not be allowed to volunteer with your children accompanying you.

Still wondering about something? Shoot us an e-mail at: volunteer@selahworshipconference.com Thanks!
